Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Riverside out; JCC in??

In an unfortunate turn of events, Riverside G.C. is booked solid with respective business and ALS fundraisers on July 17, 18 of this year.

That means Riverside G.C. is out as a potential venue for the E40HJO.

However, the JCC is a possibility ... fellow 40Handsian Joel "J.B." Baily is looking into deets ...

* In other news Al Hulick and his crew of nayer-do-wells have been invited to participate. Aside from the fact that they're all good golfers, they're a great bunch of blokes and would no doubt bolster the E40HJO field. I facebook'd him, hopefully'll hear back soon.

* Mr. Fish has offered to help host an FDBBQ at his place following the tournament. He'll be able to procure ribs (pronounced rivs) as well as riv-tips; riv-salad; riv-pie and other riv-based quisine. And maybe some chicken and whatnot. Thought it might be fun to kick back with a fire and a few cold ones following the long day of golf. Also sounds more economically intelligent than, say, a NY strip at the Club... not that there's anything wrong with that! While Norm won't be participating in the tournament, he said he'd be up for meeting up with us after. It's always good to have security on hand when the 40 Hands Crew goes out for a night on the town.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Good work steve, we may have to get back to our roots at some point with a round of 40 hands. Maybe the 40 hands can wait till the draft.
